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KINKI STUDIO was founded in 2007 with a commitment to designing and manufacturing high-quality audio equipment that faithfully reproduces the purest source of music without the distortion caused by excessive rendering. To achieve this, KINKI STUDIO utilizes advanced industry technology and combines it with excellent craftsmanship to create their unique sound performance, constantly updating and improving their processes to maintain the highest standards.


KINKI STUDIO's philosophy revolves around pursuing excellence in their manufacturing processes, utilizing state-of-the-art technology, and delivering exceptional sound quality. With years of experience in product design and development, their range of products, including Digital-to-Analog Converters, preamps, power amps, integrated amps, and headphone amps, have received recognition in both the local and Hong Kong markets.


All KINKI STUDIO products undergo rigorous testing with the Audio Precision ATS-2 prior to shipping, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of quality.


Today, KINKI STUDIO remains committed to their vision of meeting their customers' demands for aesthetically pleasing and musically satisfying equipment.

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